We had a nice evening. Houston First Baptist Church hosts a Parent's Night Out every so often..and tonight, we took them up on it! I signed us up for it the second I saw it was available! Dave and I had our first date since my birthday in August. Julia and I need time apart...it really does make our hearts grow fonder. Just 2 hours apart leaves us feeling refreshed! Lydia, our shyish one, is always happier to see Dave, Julia and me after we've been away from her too. Dave and I had a nice time, but we still miss having babysitters that come to your house and let you stay out until the wild and crazy hours of 10, or dare I say, 11! Someday soon....
Also, I had to get on here and report that I did see Beth Moore's daughter at Parent's Night Out. Her and her husband came at the same time we did to pick up their kiddos. I was dieing to talk to her about Bible commentaries and such, but I chickened out. I could tell she was ready to go, and seconds after I saw her, her husband and son came down the elevator to take her and her daughter away. :( My kids really needed to be in bed anyway, so, maybe next time!!!
Closing on our Greystone house has proven to be dissapointing. We were suppossed to close yesterday, and then today, but our home buyer's lender needed stuff signed...blah, blah, blah. They should know how to take care of all this stuff. So, we close Wednesday. At least we are going to be able to put a new offer on the house in Sienna Plantation that doesn't have the sale of our house as a contingency. Our Houston realtor said that we have seven days to change our minds about an offer without reprecussion, so if we don't actually close next week, we won't be in super hot water, we'll just have to back out of our offer. However, I am most sure, and hopeful that we will close next week!!!
So, here are some random pictures of us at the end of July at Matagorda Beach. We went with the Ottens and had a great time. I just decided to add on a little more back-up blogging to this post- I always love a blog with pictures, so I try to provide that for all of my wonderful readers!!!! Ha! The picture at the top right is me with the girls just before we left. I couldn't have run my fingers through my hair for a hundred dollars. Salt water and wind will do that to you.
I'm planning to post some pics of our finished Bartlesville house and our last few days there soon. Thanks so much for reading, love to all. Tootles!
Right: The girls were reveling in the time they had with their dad. We were apart from him so much this summer.

Above: Julia actually enjoyed being buried. She just made this face for the picture.
Right: Julia loves the Otten kids, and I love when they keep her and Lydia occupied.

Above: See, the Gulf of Mexico beaches aren't all that bad!! Please, come visit!
Right: Little Lydia enjoyed the sand and the water, as long as it didn't touch her face. She actually slept most of this trip.