On Tuesday, I nearly sliced my finger off. I was doing a very unwise manuever with a knife called "trying to get the frozen burritos seperated for lunch". Like I said, very unwise...but I'd done it upteenth times before, with no injuries. Needless to say, I have been revisiting the basic kitchen safety thought-life ever since. About the cut, it still looks a little gruesome, but it is getting better. I won't show you pictures, but I will tell you a few more details; in all their graphic glory. Immediately after I sawed into my finger, I ran into our bedroom closet and fumbled around in our first aid box, looking for a band-aid. When I couldn't find any, I reattached my dangeling skin back to my finger put some gauze on it and applied a lot of pressure. Then I called Dave. He's very familiar with these sorts of injuries, so he helped me stay calm, and reminded me what to do in my current situation. I told him my cut was pretty deep, and that I didn't know what to do. Then I mentioned what I was really concerned about. I told him, "I saw white in there, where I cut". With out skipping a beat, Dave told me, "Don't worry, I'm sure you didn't cut all the way to the bone. You probably just saw some fat." Let me tell you, this is the very first time in my entire life that fat has EVER been comforting to me! ...After all of this, I wrapped up my finger so tight that it wouldn't bleed on anything else, and went back to making lunch, even though I'd lost my appetite. Later, I realized the gauze was stuck to my wound, and regretted that move. However, we eventually got the bandage seperated from my finger. I'm not gonna say that I didn't cry while it was being detached either. But, like I said, it's much better now.
Also, I have poison ivy. on my face. I have never, ever had it. wierd. -- Antihistimines are currently in my system, and calamine lotion on my rash.
Last night, Lydia started crying in her room, and oddly Dave and I both went up to check on her. Usually it's just one of us. While we were up there, though, Dave banged his head into the door. Poor Dave, he has quite the growth on his temple today. I felt bad for him, and I also felt bad that it really, really made me want to bust out laughing. That is not my natural reaction to pain, but I guess it was that time. Sorry, Babe.
So, those are a few of our rain cloud stories this week. But, below are some pictures of the one we are currently dealing with. There has been an actual rain cloud hovering over our neighborhood all day. But, interestingly, I don't mind. I will just be that much happier when we get to see the the sun again. And, don't hate me for saying this, but my kids look cute in any light: