As we packed up to leave our home for the week of Thanksgiving, I at least wanted to get our Christmas tree partially put up.
--This week, as is all the other weeks in our lives, has been crazy. Because I had an inkling into the future and this week's craziness, Dave, the girls and I took a break from doing laundry and packing our suitcases to get out this old faithful:
This is our crooked, half-lit tree. It looks a little better now. |
Since we've come home from our trip, I've done a little better about Christmas decorating, but I haven't quite finished yet. I'll get some information up on this here blog when I finish.
Our Thanksgiving festivities included time in Bartlesville with Dave's Mom, Ruth, and Step-dad, Don, and time in Branson with Dave's Dad, Dan, and Step-mom, Christie . We had a fun and wonderful time in both places, and have been sorry to come back to reality and leave the vacation life. (What's not to love about enjoying time with family while other people do the majority of the cooking? It's delightful.)
We got to Bartlesville late Friday night, and got to hang out with our dear family and friends on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. On Sunday we got to visit the church we used to attend in Bartlesville, and then we got to go to lunch with Dave's family. We also got to see our spectacular and fun friends, Jared and Lela and have a play date with our wonderful Bartlesville church friends and their kiddos. (My, how our families have grown!) We loved every minute of down time with Dave's family and our friends!
We had two Thanksgiving dinners- one in Bartlesville on Wednesday, and one in Branson on Thanksgiving day. (We are lucky ducks!) Both turkey dinners were delicious, and I enjoyed every minute of them. On Wednesday, we got to see Ruth, Don, Dave's step-sisters, and neices and nephew, and on Thursday, we had lunch with Dan and Christie. Poor little Lydia didn't join us for our second holiday meal, though, because she had come down with a cough and a fever. She asked me right before dinner if she could lay down and take a nap (with tiredest little eyes and face anyone has ever seen). We gave her some Tylenol, and granted her her wish. She was a little under the weather on Friday and Saturday, but she wasn't feverish anymore and seemed to be doing better.
Daniel, Dave's brother, and our sister in law, Xiaolan were suppossed to fly in the evening of Thanksgiving, but the parking lot at the airport had no free spots, and so they couldn't board their plane and fly to see us all for the weekend. They plan to go to Dan and Christie's later this month. This was one of the only sad parts of our vacation.
On Friday, after Thanksgiving, we got to go one of my favorite places on earth, Silver Dollar City! We had a great time, but it was so crowded! Every time I go to SDC, I can't wait to go back. Dave got to ride a bunch of the roller coasters by himself (since I am with child) and the girls got to ride on some "big girl rides" for the first time. We also watched the Christmas parade, and Santa looked right at Julia and Lydia, smiled and said, "Be good! I'm coming to town." The girls were in awe. Just today, Julia said, "Santa is watching us, and he wants us to be good. I'm so glad I have been."
On Saturday, we celebrated Stewart Christmas. We usually wait until after the new year, but, we celebrated a little early this year, and got to count the Stewart Christmas event as our first Christmas of the season rather than our last. We got to see almost all of Dave's Aunts, Uncles, and beautiful cousins on his Dad's side. The kiddos exchange gifts, and the adults play a game to earn theirs. Lydia got a Snow White doll, and Julia got a glowing art dome thing. They both LOVE their gifts. Dave and I also got some great stuff playing "Dirty Santa". --Yeah for Christmas games that cause you to steal from others! (It's the true Christmas spirit, after all.) It was so fun! :)
Well, on Sunday we headed home again, so, I guess that just about sums up our fun holiday trip. Here are some pictures from our adventures in random order:
Christie, Dan, Dave and the girls walking behind Christie and Dan's house. |
Dave and Lydia down on the walking trails behind Dan and Christie's house |
Christie and the girlies making desserts for Stewart Christmas |
Bundled babies in Bartlesville |
Happy Julia on trails |
Lydia, playing in the backyard |
Stewart family |
Jaycee got a poker set...just what she wanted. |
Lydia, talking to her cousin Daisy. Lyd is 3, and Daisy is 2. |
Cousins- staying in a room separate from parents |
On Saturday night, Dave and his Dad had to pull out the old chess set. |
Thanks for reading about our family happenings! (I may try and add some more pictures at another time, but I was having camera issues and will have to steal some pictures.) Anyway, I hope your Turkey day was as gobblecious as ours! Love, Amber