Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Let the Good Times Roll!

We had a wonderful Easter, an "exciting" move, and a lot of (what will hopefully turn into a lot of) good Stewart family memories. Thanks to my iphone, I actually have some pictures to share of all the good times.

The girlies on Easter Sunday.
I know these Easter pictures are very late in getting on my blog, but considering all that has been happening lately, I feel like I am doing good to have them posted by the time May hit.

Julia was in a funk, and Lyd was talking to Dave, but it was so good to have our girls in church with us on Easter Sunday.

Dave in his handsome Easter clothes, right after a wonderful church service

Easter with friends

We were so fortunate to be invited to spend Easter Lunch with friends. It was such a blessing to spend time with people from our small group, eat yummy food with them, watch our girls have an Easter egg hunt with their kids, and celebrate Christ's resurrection by making fun memories.
Saige Elizabeth- Growing bigger everyday.
Blessings from friends and Realtors on my last day of work- so blessed!

My last week of work was so, so hard. I promised myself that I wouldn't break down in tears on my last day, and I pretty much accomplished my goal. I just kept quoting Dr. Seuss to myself the entire time: "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I'll always remember that job as the best I've ever head, and I am so thankful to God for providing it for our family.

But, because I did not work lat week, I did get a few boxes of stuff put away, our kitchen semi organized, and I got to enjoy some extra time with my girls. One thing I promised them was to go to their school and attend the chapel service that they have every time. I got to go last Thursday, I am so glad that I did. Julia was playing the young David, at the time when he was first anointed king over Israel by the prophet Samuel. Her good friend, whom she also wants to marry, played Goliath in the story. It was neat to watch, and I got a little bit of on video.

I also stayed to eat lunch with the girls. They were so sweet and so excited to have me as their guest. I went to Lydia's class first, and ate lunch with her, and then went and sat with Julia for the remainder of her lunch time. I was surprised to go into Julia's class and see that she was at "the boy's table". All the other girls were sitting at the table next to the boy + Julia table. I know Julia is also friends with the girls- she just prefers to be with the boys. --Uh.oh.

It was so great to watch both of my girls enjoying school and their chapel services.
Young King David
My natural little actress
 I am hesitantly looking forward to what the future holds for us.Things have been so crazy lately, but I know we are safe and secure in the Lord's hands. Hopefully, we will close on our house soon, because I have no earthly idea how we could afford to make another home payment while paying rent at the same time. (Closing was delayed because of our buyers. We were supposed to close April 16th, but now our date is set for May 12th. We are hoping it goes faster than that though.)

I am now 38 weeks pregnant, and Baby Saige could be here any day. I have been extremely exhausted, and not feeling super good, so I am hoping this means that baby is on her way soon. My parents came last weekend, and my mom stayed to wait with us as we expect the birth of our third child. It has been so nice to have her here. (My dad will be coming to pick her up soon after Saige is here.) She is a great and wonderful dishwasher, laundress and child care provider. Thank you JESUS!

This weekend, Dave's mom will be driving in, and staying a couple of weeks after the baby is born. It will be so helpful to have someone here to help me watch the girls during the day, while I recover from giving birth. And then, at the end of May, Dave's dad will be coming by to meet the baby, and my sister will be here for about a week. I am so very thankful that so many of our family members will be here to help me, and/or see the baby.

So, here's to let our good times roll! I hope yours will be rolling too! -Amber

Monday, April 16, 2012

More to come.

We are moved and getting ready for our third baby to come our way. We just got Internet at our new place this evening. Boxes and stuff are everywhere! Pics of the girls at Easter and, eventually, pics of our house are still to come. Blessings, Amber

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday is Good because He Lives!

Our Easter celebration started this week. We've done resurrection eggs, dyed Easter eggs, and we still have church on Sunday, plus other stuff. Moving in the midst of it all just makes us concentrate on the celebration all the more.
Praise the Lord because He lives!

Monday, April 2, 2012

My Girls: Oh.my.

Julia calling out ,"Honey, Honey!"

Dave, "Are you talking to me?"

Julia, "Yes, you're the daddy and I'm trying to get our little girl to bed. I can't handle this. She's being naughty, and I need you to take over."

(Lydia was the baby laying in "her bed" in her closet.)


Me, "Lydia, did you have fun at Sunday School today? Did you you learn a lot?"

Lydia in a whiney voice, "Yes, but no one said my dress was pretty or that my make-up was pretty. And that makes me so sad!" (The girls get to wear lip gloss or chapstick to church.)


Either of the girls on any given day; "Moooom, she trupted me!"(trupted= interrupted)

Yesterday, after church, we rushed out to our car to get to our new townhome to follow the real estate agents to our land lord's house. After we met our sweet land lords, Dave and I raced to a nearby place to eat. It was about 2:00 and we were all starving- especially me. Once we went through the line to get our trays filled with plates and drinks, we looked around for a place to sit. As Lydia followed me, she decided to flip my skirt up in the middle of the restaurant. I don't think anyone saw anything, but like I said my hands were full! I squealed/yelled "NO!" as I looked back at Lydia while Dave dove to help me, even though his hands were also full. Luckily nothing fell off of our trays and shattered, but I did receive a very dirty look from a woman who had been getting herself a beverage, and saw no reason why I would be yelling at my three year old in the middle of the restaurant. I just looked away in shame, and tried not to cry out of pure embarrassment.

These are the days of our lives! What did Dave and I do for excitement before kids?

Our third daughter is shaping up to be as mischevious and strong-willed as our first two. She is very persistent and impatient, it seems. If she doesn't like something I am doing, she will push and kick harder than either of my other two girls ever did until I stop what I'm doing and/or change positions.

 Lord, despite this, please let this third child be compliant. Please! (I'm pretty sure our little Stewart household will not see a day without drama from now until 2052.)

My, oh My!! -Amber