Julia was invited to a birthday party about a week ago. Dave stayed home with Lydia and Saige while I took Julia to the party. (Dave had a super sweet tea party with Lydia while we were gone. But that's beside the point.) Houston has some pretty spectacular places to party for birthdays. This particular place had several of the largest group of connected trampolines that I have ever seen or could have dreamed of. I totally wanted to join the kids, but I guess you have to go when all the other adults are going....
Anyway, at the party, I lost track of Julia a few times. The first few times, I found her fairly quickly, but the third time, I got a little concerned. I searched and searched for her and after no luck for a little while, I even asked the party people to call her name over the loud speaker. Before they did, Julia finally came running out of the play room with pizza sauce on her face. "Julia," I said, "Where were you? It's time for pizza a cake in the party room? Did you already eat pizza?"
"Yeah, I had some right over there."
Ummm...she was at someone else's birthday party eating their overpriced pizza without a moment's hesitation. Good grief.
In other news, Lydia has been making up words lately and then assigning meanings to them that are completely random and bizarre. She is so very imaginative and creative.
This morning, Lydia and I were singing a song. The actual song, called Jump for Jesus, goes: "He is our rock, and on his word I'll stand..." But Lydia's version went like this: "He is the rocket he's placed in my hand..."
Lydia is never low on crazy antics melodic tunes.
And now for an update on my youngest. Saige is doing great. She had a little rash on her face last week, but it is finally going away now. Unrelated to the rash, Saige also had to get her vaccinations last week. Dave was the lucky parent to take her this time. And, the sweet little baby of ours didn't even cry at all. She moaned during the shots, but didn't cry. Isn't that amazing? I specifically asked Dave if he could take her for her 6 months shots because when I took her last time, she was so upset that we ended up in the doctor's office with all 4 Stewart girls crying. It was just too sad to go through with the same thing with all the girls again.
Also, Saige has been flipping back and forth across the floor like a little dolphin. And, tonight, I was sitting with her in our living room and puckered up. Before I new it, her sweet little lips were on mine. She did it more than once, so I definitely count this as her first intentional kiss. So sweet!
We are so blessed. Happy Thanksgiving! -Amber