The cleaning at my house never ends! Like ever. I'm sure the rest of you moms can relate, but with three little ones, I just feel like my work is never done. Every time I turn around, there is a sink full of dishes, several loads of undone laundry, toothpaste smeared all over the sink and counter top, carpets that need vacuumed, lotion smudges on all surfaces (thanks to Saige and her love for sneaking lotion) and sheets that are past needing to be changed. (Ewww.) Even the things we use to clean are always needing cleaned; i.e. the tubs. But, today, as I was cleaning my older daughters' room, (even though they recently "cleaned" it themselves...) I came across Lydia's treasure collection. This collection is extensive to say the least. Pieces of string, rocks, pebbles, jewelry parts, beads, and even drawn on styrofoam were just a few things I stashed into her box that is meant for collecting all things small. All of these "treasures" leave me shaking my head, but, what really sent my head spinning was when I discovered a small container filled with caramel from homeschool co-op last Friday. It's Wednesday. Yes, since last Friday, there has been a container of caramel that Lydia snuck into the cubby that is attached to her bunk. And if that wasn't enough, there were several strings and globs of caramel coming from the small container signifying to me that she had also been sampling the caramel at some point around or after bed time.
So, after removing the smelly sheets off of her little bed, I went to town on the caramel with a baby wipe. The wipe totally did the trick, and there are no more traces of caramel in her cubby.... Now, we will just have to see how long it takes before she asks me where her midnight snack disappeared to. (Yuck.)
But all of this got me thinking....I am so gosh darn thankful for baby wipes! Ever since I had kiddos, I've discovered lots of uses for them besides just wiping miniature bottoms. I actually also use them to clean couch cushions and car seats and all other things upholstery. I even found that they worked great on microfiber surfaces. Back in the day, we had a whole set of microfiber couches. Since we moved frequently, I vividly remember wiping those things down ferociously before showing a few of our homes. It always worked like a dream, and made the couches look like I'd had a cleaning service come in.
Just the other day, I used baby wipes to clean up some mysterious
substance from our cloth loveseat. (The substance is whitish, so it's probably some
stolen lotion.)
See the Mystery Substance? |
And, Mystery Substance Gone! |
This stuff was spread in several places on our little loveseat. But, thankfully, not anymore. And I have baby wipes to thank for that.
Do you also love re-purposing baby wipes? Are you an super mom who makes her own wipes? I'd love your tips! Thanks for stopping by the blog today! I know you were wondering what you would do when you found lotion on your couch and caramel in your daughter's bed. And, I'm glad I could help with that.
Have a blessed day! Amber