And the girls LOVED the go-kart thingy. Julia tried to drive it, but she had much more fun with an experienced driver. Obviously, she is a little messier here. I believe she has cheese puff residue, ketchup and orange frosting on her face in this picture.
Lydia also got a turn in the go-kart. I think she has the same mixture of goodness smeared all over her face. Remember how I had a picture of her squinting a few posts back? She squints everytime I take a picture. Basically, I have to be ready to take two pics. The second one is usually squint-free. What sweet little raggamuffins!
Well, here is Lydia pre-bath. Talk about good clean fun! I think we cleaned her face after eating, and somehow, she accumulated this dirt all over her face to make up for it.
Let's switch gears. After the girls got baths, and a good night's sleep, we got ready for church this morning. Julia got to wear one of her "princess" dresses that she has been dieing to wear.
Lydia got to wear a princess dress too. I'm not sure why her hair looks messed up here. It was actually pretty cute.
Aren't I lucky? Look at those cuties!!!
And, here's a picture of me and the girls. I didn't put any close-ups of myself on here because my eyebrows are horrible!!! I am so afraid to pluck or tweaze. I guess it's high time I get over it though's getting pretty ridiculous!!! Any suggestions on overcoming this phobia?
After church, we went to Spring Loaded. It is an Easter Egg Hunt plus more put on by the church. Here is Julia with her collected eggs. I didn't get any of her actually collecting the eggs because she got lost during the hunt. I was looking for her, and she was looking for me. Luckily a sweet little Spring Loaded worker brought her back to us.
Here is Lydia enjoying the hunt. She did such a good job collecting eggs.
Tonight, our neigbors invited us over to eat with them. It was so nice of them, and we really enjoyed ourselves. It was good for us to get to brush up on our Spanish a little too, because they are still working on their English. The wife knows less English than her husband, so when she was asking us to come, I thought she was saying that she wanted her son to come home and eat. He was playing in our backyard with our girls, and she just came over and said "To eat? Eat?" So, I said okay, and came and told her son that his mom said it was time for dinner. It wasn't until they brought food outside to me that I realized she meant to invite us all over. We had cactus for the first time. It tastes a little like a mild cooked pepper. It was pretty good.
So, that was our weekend. I hope you enjoyed the recap. Adios! -Amber
You ate cactus? That's awesome!
ReplyDeleteAll you have to do to pluck your eyebrow is have a great tweazers and ice down your brow. Then go at it while it's frozen.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are having too much fun in Houston. Love you all!
Mom Mitchell
I see Julia is still rocking the outfit I picked out for her! I didn't realize it was a skirt until after she put it on, ha! Such PRETTY princesses! And I'm a tweeze-aholic, I don't trust anyone with my brows! You can find good stencils in the makeup aisle and use those to make a good shape.