Lydia turned 2 this last week, and we partied in her honor. She had a "Fun in the Sun" themed party that (I'm hoping) she loved. I know Julia loved it even though it wasn't her big day. Thank you to everyone who could make it to the party and for all the wonderful presents we received. It was such fun!

One item on the party menu:
One item on the party menu:
Another item on the party menu
We also had chips, pasta salad, watermelon, iced tea and cherry lemonade. I got the cherry lemonade recipe from my friend, Annalee's, blog. Thanks, for posting the recipe, Annalee. It was yummy!
Some of our partying friends and family:
Papa and Lydia with her Ariel doll.
Marlee was a big helper. :)
Caleb really liked the scattered balloons. He was so cute to watch.
Julia did most of the blowing out of these candles. She was too much of a big helper!
Amanda is greasing Patrick up before he takes off for a few sprints through the sprinkler.
I wish I had thought of giving more of the kids balloons as they left. Sheila was doing the distributing here. There are balloons to be popped all over my house!
Thanks again for everyone who could make it!! We appreciate all of you, and are so privileged to get to know each and everyone of you!! Love, the Stewart's
i'm so glad y'all had lots of fun AND that you enjoyed the cherry lemonade too!