Well, Folks, this blog post calls for a lot of pictures. So, that's what you're gonna get. Julia had her first recital on Saturday, and it was so, so, so fun to watch!! Her 5 minutes of fame were recorded on our ancient, video camcorder. The other 3 hours and 45 minutes of the first part of the recital were not. Those minutes were also fun to watch...but we were all exhausted at the end of them.
Julia had a beautiful little costume that had pants for tap and a tutu for ballet.
Julia before the show in tap outfit. |
Lots of make-up and tons of hairspray. |
Mimi and Princess Lydia |
I told Lydia that she could wear a princess costume to the Recital. I didn't want her to feel too left out. If she couldn't dance on stage, at least she could dress up like a princess. :)
Leader of the pack. |
I was so torn about whether or not to use my flash during the show. The owner of the dance studio told us not to, but I knew the pictures would turn out all blurry and hard to see if I didn't. I decided to be good and forget about using the flash. I was already rebelling by giving Lydia snacks in a "No Food Allowed!" theatre. At least we've got it all on video. So, so cute!
This was right after Julia started bossing the rest of her dance team and right before she stopped dancing to wave at us in the crowd.
Julia and her little posse had two dance numbers. One for ballet, and one for tap. (Hence, the seperate costumes I spoke of before.) Both her ballet number and her tap number were totally adorable.
Princess Lyd got to hold her sister's trophy for a few small minutes. |
Flowers for a job well done. |
I was amused at this thought: Dave and I paid for dance this semester, bought Julia the practice outfit, tap shoes, ballet shoes, dance tights, and the costume for her recital. I dolled her up, and we missed out on some church plans to go to a 4 hour dress rehearsal on Friday and a 4 hour recital Saturday. I'm not saying we didn't love every minute of the whole dance experience. But, I am saying that I think it's ironic that we're the ones giving Julia flowers. Look at her sweetly brightened eyes though. I love it.
Trophy and Flowers!!! |
Beautiful little Ballerina, and Beautiful little Princess |
Julia in her ballet tutu. |
Lyd opted out of this photo. |
My parents and brother were here for less than 24 hours. I really appreciate them coming though. I'm sure it was hard for them to go back to work today after such a weekend whirlwind. (I know I was exhausted!) Thanks so much, Mom, Dad and Alex for coming!!!!!
Woooohoooo! |
Right after both of Julia's dance numbers, Julia dropped her hands, and ran off stage before any of her fellow dance-mates were finished bowing. She was ready to be done immediately after her little show was over. It made us all laugh, it was just so cute!
Thanks for letting my share my cuties with all of you!! Love, Amber
oooh, the adorableness!!!