I just watched a man with no feet qualify to run in the semi-finals at the 2012 olympics.That is so amazing! We've been watching a lot of t.v. ever since the olympics started. I try not to feel guilty that we end up in front of the tube every night, but I'm a mom, and I'm pretty sure that feeling guilty is part of the job description.
We went for a walk to a park near our house this morning, and Dave and I took turns jogging a little while the girls played. It was so hot outside though! The heat has made it really hard for me to want to go for jogs lately. But, I know I need to if I'm ever going to get into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I also need to keep the calories down. Usually, I'm a vegetables and chicken kind of a girl, but for some reason I've been craving things more like a cheeseburger with fries and a large coke. Um, wait...maybe a milkshake instead of a coke. Well since I'm day dreaming, I guess I'll have both. :) So, tomorrow, I've got grilled turkey burgers on whole wheat buns on the menu. Maybe that'll do the trick?
Anyway, I've always loved going on family walks because of the exercise and the opportunity Dave and I have to talk. But these days the big girls are old enough that they need to walk, and that makes things more complicated. The girls were complaining about the heat, and the walking, and I was really working hard to keep their "hearts happy" and their attitudes sweet. But, now, I'm the one who feels like complaining, and need to work on having a sweet attitude. I have a headache, and I'm ready for the peace and quiet that comes with evening. (Sorry to say, I really enjoy the time when my kids are in bed.) --That peace and quiet is one major reason why I go to bed too late on a regular basis. Unfortunately, though, it's not the only thing that keeps me up.
The other reason I don't sleep enough, besides watching the Olympics, is that I've also become addicted to a show on netflix. I started watching the show on my phone because I was bored while nursing, but now I'm all involved and I can't stop wondering what will happen next. --I usually only get this wrapped up in the lives of characters when I am reading a good fiction book, but this time it's a show that I want to stay up watching until 1:00 a.m. Usually, when I read, I NEED to know what will happen next. I always struggle with this dichotomy of wanting to be done with the book so that I can stop obsessing about fictional lives, and get back on track with my own, but I'm also always sad when the story ends. This time, like I said, it's worse because I'm obsessed with a show that lasts 4 whole seasons. Did any of you ever watch the show Felicity back in the 90's? That would be the show.
Also, I've been thinking lately, fanny packs should totally come back. I know they look lame and everything, but I can't stop thinking how incredibly handy they would be. And by handy, I mean hands-free! How many times have I reached down to grab something with my huge purse over my shoulder just to have it fall to the floor and nearly knock me off balance? Sometimes it even knocks into one of my kids and narrowly sends the little one tumbling. I mean, I just need something that I can throw my wallet, keys and phone into that doesn't become one more thing to carry. (Aren't diaper bags, children, car seats, purses, and everything else enough to hold?) There's gotta be a way to bling out and rename the good ole' "fanny pack" and make them trendy again. I just don't know how.
Well, there you go, there's a few of my confessions. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of any right now. Probably because I am tired, headachy and don't get enough sleep. -- Besides I wouldn't want to spill all of my juicy confessions right now. I'd love for you to come back and read the rest at another time. :)
Thanks for tuning in, Amber
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