We had a great weekend. We did hardly anything, and I loved that. We have been going 90 to nothing lately, and I am wearing down and starting to feel a little sick. So, a weekend of hanging around the house is just what the doctor ordered.
Because I had a little extra time this weekend, I made pumpkin muffins for breakfasts for this coming week. I love having something already made and ready to go, and I love fall and pumpkin, so I started early. At least I haven't started wearing scarves, sweaters and boots in this 90 degree heat. But I won't lie...I am tempted.
Speaking of temptations, here are some of my latest confessions:
1. I have to sample batter of any kind. Cake batter, muffin batter, brownie batter and cookie dough. I still sample it...raw eggs and all.
2. If my girls are around or are helping me bake, I let them sample batter too....raw eggs and all.
3. I embarrass myself when I am too blunt. Like when I say "I have to pee" instead of saying "I need to run to the restroom".
4. I like to be the center of attention from time to time.
5. I like to sing. I even like to sing for an audience and wish I had the opportunity more often even though I get nervous.
6. I like to teach. I even like to get up in front of other people and teach stuff. Not because I think I am smarter than others, but I guess it just goes back to the center of attention thing. I got comfortable teaching in front of people a few years ago when I was leading the wednesday night children's program at my church.
7. I am a traditionalist. No really. I am.
8. I don't like typos. They bug me. I hate it when I am looking at old blogs and I find them....
9. I am very scent sensitive. It's hard for me to go to the zoo.
10. I consider myself a good cook. It's what my friends and family tell me. I hope they aren't simply saying it to be nice.
11. I wish I had enough energy to do all the projects I cook up in my little brain.
12. I feel like a better person when I am learning or have been reading a good book. Not better than others, just a better me.
13. I really am as emotional as I sound like I am on this blog. (Probably even more than I sound like on my blog.) Just imagine the crazy emotional wreckage I put people through as a teen.
14. I used to be extremely shy and hardly talked to people in highschool. I think I shocked a lot of people at my 10 year reunion when I came out of my shell. I really do and did like people. I just didn't know if they would like me.
15. I am often surprised at how out-going my Julia and Lydia are.
16. I have mommy guilt if I work, and mommy guilt if I don't. The reasons for the guilt are not the same...
17. I already ate 2 pumpkin muffins. (This is actually very hard for me to admit.)
18. I get on facebook too much.
19. I love reading honest toddler tweets. You can check it out at @HonestToddler or thehonestoddler.com
20. I wish I had come up with the idea for The Honest Toddler.
21. I didn't do hardly any laundry this weekend even though we had hardly any plans.
22. I often think about where we will move when the lease is up on this here town house. I long for a yard again.
23. I envy women who have a baby and then are "instantly" the same size as they were before they had their babies.
24. I am a night owl and stay up way later than I should almost every night. I am like a kid, and I don't like to go to bed.
...and last but not least...
25. I am pretty sure I am not nearly as techie as I would like to think I am.
Well, I guess that about sums it up for now. Did I repeat any from the last time? I don't remember. All I know right now is that I am tired and my relaxing weekend is coming to an end. :( Another whirlwind of a week is coming our way, and I am under prepared. I guess I'll get to going. I need to gather my thoughts and collect our weekly gear (i.e. backpacks, lunch bags, snack bags, water bottles, diaper bags, laptop/work bags...) so that hopefully, the shock of preparing for another day doesn't smack me in the face first thing in the morning. Blessings and happy monday to all of you! I hope nothing smacks you in the face! Love, Amber
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