Hello! We have been in our new townhouse a little over two weeks. We still have boxes everywhere. Unpacking is a pain! And, you know what, Saige is turning 1 in a week and a half! In 1.5 weeks, Saigie will be ONE! I am so proud of her! She started saying "loveyoutoo" and talking on the phone. She puts a phone up to her ear, and says, "Yes". She hasn't taken her first step yet, but she is getting so, so close!
We are planning to have a small little get together with our small group for Saige's birthday. We plan to have her little party here in our town home. So, that puts a lot of pressure on us to get some boxes unpacked and our house in some sort of order. I really hope we can get a lot done in the next few days!
I feel sad that Saige's 1st birthday party will not have the same amount of planning and thought put into it that Julia and Lydia's 1st birthday parties did. But, life is so very different now than it was when Julia and Lydia were babies. Hopefully we will still get some good pictures, and hopefully Saige will still feel special when she looks back at them. I will most definitely do my best!
We are already planning our summer, and are very excited about what's coming up. We will be meeting my parents in Dallas to go camping, we will be dropping the girls off with the Grandparents, and Dave and I will be flying to Maine for a second honeymoon, we'll go swimming, VBSing, playing and spending a lot of fun times together. I can't wait for more time with family!
Thanks for reading! Hope you are looking forward to summer too!
I am already the best summer ever. Time with gk