Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of Mother's Day Out

Saige went to Mother's Day Out today. She was so good! She didn't even cry when I dropped her off. She was very excited about the books in the classroom, so I snuck out of her classroom with so much as a quivering lip! Doesn't she look cute for her Mother's Day out debut?

This girl loves her thumb!

Yay! She looked at me!

Look at her little curlies. Love them!
Saige says "Apoo" for yes, please and "ME" when she thinks she needs to have something. She is still a great eater and is very opinionated about what she eats. (And everything else for that matter.) She already has her molars and is getting her little eye teeth. She doesn't like for me to look in her mouth, but sometimes I can get a quick glimpse when I tickle her. She loves to be tickled!

Thanks for reading, Amber

Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School 2013-2014

The first day of school has already happened!
My Kindergartner and my first grader

She wrote the K herself.

Showing their excitement!

Julia and Lydia were so excited for their first day, that they woke up at 11:00 p.m. asking if it was morning time. Then when we came and got them in the wee morning hours, they jumped out of bed enthusiastically and hurried downstairs.

We actually had lunches and outfits altogether, so we had some time to spare this morning. Dave told the girls a story while we waited the 10 extra minutes until it was time to leave. I've already made their lunches for tomorrow. -- Let's see if we can keep the routine up!

I am excited about this year because Dave is going to be helping me get the girls ready for school because we live so much to closer to his office.

My girls LOVED their first day! They loved their teachers, and can't wait until school tomorrow. :)

Thanks for reading, Amber

Monday, August 19, 2013

Stewart Summer Camp

We have had a great summer! Family came to visit, friends had us over, Dave and I committed to co-teach a Sunday School Class, I sold some real estate, we went swimming in a pool and in the Galveston beach, we had a glamorous birthday party for a fabulous five-year-old, had some fabulous trips, and I knocked out some of Julia's front teeth (by accident). Here are some pics to share our summer.
Saigie enjoying Lyd's Birthday cake

Julia with her decorated graham cracker house

Lyd with her house

Cousin Mattisyn came to visit with Granny. I think she loved the craft as much as my girls did.

Glamoured Lydia at her Birthday party. (Hi Ruth- I see you back there.)

Julia-- Looking Glamorous!

All the party animals
 I have a picture just like this one, except everyone is looking at me. I would have posted it, but Saige had just lifted her dress and had started taking off her diaper. She made the photo completely unbloggable. I guess she was trying to express how completely bored she was with the whole sha-bang! (She spent the majority of the party time banging on the front door or emptying the shelves of merchandise.)
Lydia is posing so cute here! The girls loved walking the runway on the red carpet at the party.

Princess Ballerina Camp at Houston's First
The girls got to do all their favorite things this summer! (Whether they'd ever admit to that or not.) Dave and I know that we are all so blessed, and hopefully my girls will realize that someday too. 

One week from today, the girls start school. This weekend, I turn 31. (Woah! That year went fast!) Then after the girls start school, my sister and her two littles are going to come visit. Yay! September is almost here! I am so looking forward to all things fall...carving pumpkins, drinking apple cider and watching the temperature drop a few degrees, even if that's only slightly. But, before I start getting too excited about what's to come...here's a video of what happens to us just about everyday. Enjoy! Click here: Julia and Lydia playing. Sorry that my house is a mess, but now you'll know why I say I have my hands full.

Thanks for reading! Love, Amber