Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School 2013-2014

The first day of school has already happened!
My Kindergartner and my first grader

She wrote the K herself.

Showing their excitement!

Julia and Lydia were so excited for their first day, that they woke up at 11:00 p.m. asking if it was morning time. Then when we came and got them in the wee morning hours, they jumped out of bed enthusiastically and hurried downstairs.

We actually had lunches and outfits altogether, so we had some time to spare this morning. Dave told the girls a story while we waited the 10 extra minutes until it was time to leave. I've already made their lunches for tomorrow. -- Let's see if we can keep the routine up!

I am excited about this year because Dave is going to be helping me get the girls ready for school because we live so much to closer to his office.

My girls LOVED their first day! They loved their teachers, and can't wait until school tomorrow. :)

Thanks for reading, Amber

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