Please excuse me as I do some much need "Back-up Blogging"...
We had a great Fall. (I can't believe I didn't even post any pictures from Halloween.)
Trick-or-Treaters...2 ballerinas and Minnie the Mouse |
Crabby Minnie |
Jacqueline-o-lantern |
Crying Baby Shot |
Looking forward to the Memorial City Mall Lights |
New Coats for a Cold Thanksgiving in Bartlesville |
Along with all of the fun we had in November, we also had a really scary thing happen. Saige had her first trip to the E.R. Thankfully I didn't completely break down mentally, but I was on the verge for a minute there. Without drawing out the story for too long, here is what happened:
Saige used to like to climb the ladder on her sister's bunk beds. She did it a ton of times with out falling, but I would usually grab her off the ladder if I saw her climbing her way up. However, I didn't see her climbing the ladder the Friday before Thanksgiving, and neither did anyone else. After we heard the thud and then her cry after falling, I rushed into her sister's room and held her until I felt prepared enough to check her little face for bumps or blood. When I held her up to see her face, her shoulders and neck stiffened, and her eyes rolled back into her head. That's when I became hysterical and started screaming. I handed her to Dave to call 911, and after Dave held her for a second, he let me know that she was awake and breathing fine. In my hysterics, we decided to get everyone into our minivan as quick as possible and get Saige to the E.R. ourselves. The drive there was short, but scary. Saige was very quiet and had a greenish tint in her face. I remember thinking...this is what "green around the gills" looks like. Thankfully, the wonderful staff at Memorial Hermann's E.R. unit got her back to check vitals right away. Once they gave her some tylenol, and got us in a room by ourselves, Saige finally started acting like herself again.-- It was a very sad morning. The poor baby had to get her temperature taken rectally for the first time, and that is never fun! She ended up with no major issues (except for a psycho mom)--just a black eye. Praise the LORD!
This first week of December has been CrAzy! I remember the first year our family moved to Houston. I cried because we had no Christmas party invites. That is not the case this year! We have two this weekend and three next weekend. Julia also had her birthday party today because she had to go and turn 7 last Wednesday!!! I tried to convince her to start getting younger instead of older, but she doesn't listen to me all the time.
Our sweet Lydia has a solo at church tomorrow. I am so very, very proud of her! I plan to take pictures and video her. I also plan to get those posted to my blog!! She is going to do so well! I can't wait to share that with you all. I look forward to posting more regularly again.
Well, this is us in a nutshell! Thanks for reading. Blessings to you all! Love, Amber.
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