Thursday, June 19, 2014

Re-purposing Card board boxes

I saw a really cool link on pinterest not too long ago, and they had all kinds of ideas for re-purposing card board boxes. Since our garage is currently full of boxes from our last move, I decided it would be a good idea to make something out of our available cardboard. Since I have three girls, I cut, and cut, and cut some large boxes until what I'd made resembled a little play house. My girls were assigned to painting it, but they didn't get super far in that venture. They all three love to play in the house though, and I hope to put my older girls on painting duty again soon. (This duty is mostly just to keep them occupied during Saige's nap-time.)

The girls designated the area on the left as the bathroom area.

 Both Lydia and Julia expressed their desire to have the door specifically like the one I cut. I guess it was more princess-y this way.
The girls plan for me to tape an addition to the house. I had to take a break, though, on the day I cut the boxes because with my dull razor and the hour of cutting I'd already done my poor thumb was getting soar.

Of course, the website I found on pinterest had much more professional looking cardboard work, but what I made will do just fine. After all, all I wanted was for my girls to have an extra place to play and for us to have fun memories of making something together. Maybe we'll make a castle next....

What could you make with boxes? I saw a really neat train set made out of boxes recently....the sky's the limit!

Have fun building! -Amber

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