Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Re-purpose Beliefs

I am training to run a 15K with my sister in October. I've never run that far before. Ever. So I have been running a lot more, and my body is physically exhausted! I have a facebook friend who recommended the Jeff Galloway method of training, and I have been doing my best to follow the plan. But if any of you all have any running recommendations for me, I'd appreciate the info.

I ran 5 miles on Sunday, and today 30 minutes of running was on the schedule. I ran my 30 minutes, but I felt like my muscles were in rebellion. They were tired and unhappy with me, but thankfully I pushed through.

I guess my Julia is learning to push through too. My sister-in-law had lunch with Julia today at the camp cafeteria. (She gets to because she works for the camp.) We dropped that sweet girl off on Saturday, and we don't get to pick her up until next Saturday. She isn't allowed to contact us unless an emergency arises, but we can send her some emails and as you saw in one of my earlier posts, we left notes and packages for her as well.

I texted my sister-in-law to see how Julia seemed to be doing, and this was how our texting conversation went:
SIL: She is doing well. She's so grown up in expressing her feelings! She said that last night bc she was tired after a full day of activities that she sat down and shed a few tears bc she missed you but her friends came and got her and reminded her that she only has 2.5 days to go and there is still so much she hasn't done. :)

me: Awwww. So sweet.

SIL:She was so careful to not tear up and be a big girl. :) But I know she is going to love seeing you! All of your girls are so truly sweet at heart and so funny!

Isn't that the sweetest thing? I'm so thankful for my in-laws! I can't wait to see my big girl again, but for now I am also incredibly thankful to be her mom. I love her!

Pics from yesterday:
My Girl and Her New Friends

Group of Girls! Julia is at the Top!

"Snow" Party with Millions of Suds and Bubbles
More and more I learn that the attitude I have about things is rubbing off on my girlies. The life approach that Dave and take on is the same one that my girls will inherit. (At least in their childhood.) So, I am constantly trying to think well, positive and Godly thoughts. I try to apply the principles of a great book called "Failing Forward" by John Maxwell. Because my kids will re-purpose my beliefs, and I want to be proud of the ones that stick!

Thanks for reading. Sorry to get mushy. I'm just missing my kid.

Love, Amber

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