Dave found some inexpensive Nutcracker tickets last month, and we decided that driving to Bismarck and seeing the performance was the right thing to do! And it ended up being a lot of fun. We kept the whole thing a secret from our girls so that we could surprise them. Unfortunately the performance was a little long for Saige because it was during her nap time. When Dave took her to the back, though, she twirled and danced and tried to be just like the ballerinas on stage.
We Brought this Nutcracker Home |
I remember going to see "The Nutcracker" as a high school student. But, I really didn't understand what it was about and I think I even fell asleep during the performance. (I was a sleep-deprived teenager. It's easier staying awake during a performance as a sleep-deprived mom because you have children crawling all over you.) However, at this performance, each act was explained in the handbook, so before the acts, Julia and Lydia and I read about what was coming up. It helped me understand the whole story which was a good thing!
The Beautiful Performance Hall |
The majority of the dancers in the performance we attended seemed to be high school age or younger. So, it kind of seemed like we were watching the equivalent of a high school play, but I think it helped the girls identify with the characters even more than if we had watched adults perform. The kids that played sheep and other small rolls were adorable.
A Daddy and His Girl |
Of course, after the performance, all three girls exclaimed their desires to grow up to be ballerinas...
Intermission |
The girls loved getting dressed up in Christmas clothes, and so did I. I am hoping we can go again. Maybe every other year. :)
Blessings, and thanks for baring with me as I try to catch up! -Amber
Maybe I'm biased, but I think these girls are the cutest kids in the world!