Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Julia Update

Julia is so funny! She has begun placing things on her head and telling me she is married. She doesn't get the concept that you marry a person she just wants to be a bride. I honestly don't know where she got this idea or that it would start popping into her little head so soon.

She also likes to watch me put my make-up on and constantly asks me if she can wear some. We caught her applying some herself and got a quick picture before disciplining her. Usually looking at and trying on some of my jewelry keeps her occupied enough that I can get my five-minute-face on with out her interupting too much. After she puts on one of my necklaces or bracelets she says "Look, I'm a mommy." I don't know whether to buy her pretend stuff for her birthday or to not encourage it. I think I would have to go without make-up or jewelry myself to keep from encouraging her though. (Haven't been convicted of that yet.)

Julia is such a strong-willed, social, little butterfly. When we went house hunting the other day, she latched onto our realtor as if she'd known her her whole life. Julia did not want her mom or dad to get her out of the carseat...just Landra. She also asked a complete stranger to buckle her up when Dave took the girls to a gas station for a potty break. The women cooed over Julia while telling Dave he was going to have to watch her because her sociality could be dangerous.
Julia LOVES the beach. She asks to go often. She likes to be in the water, jumping in the waves. She love the sand, and apparently doesn't mind eating it on a sandwich.
I honestly thought that my first-born child would be compliant, cuddly, timid and blonde. Julia is not defined by any of those things, but she is wonderful and vivacious, and I am so glad that God has created her just the way she is.

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