Thursday, June 24, 2010

Busy Little Bees

The next two weeks are going to be packed for us! We're planning to have fun though! First, my sweet friend, Amelia, and her darling baby, also named Lydia, are coming tonight! I am going to pick them up at 9:35 at the Houston Hobby airport. I hope I find them okay!!
My friend and her daughter get to stay until Monday morning, and then we are going to drop them back off at the airport and rush to our first day of VBS at our church. We will be packing up early every morning next week and attending. It'll be a dose of fun with extra craziness.
In the middle of the week, Dave is going to California on business. Hopefully VBS and packing will keep us distracted from his absense. I'll be packing, not only for VBS, but also because we are going to go to Bartlesville for a week!!! So, Dave flies in on Thursday at 11ish p.m. and we will be leaving right after VBS on Friday to make a 10 or so hour drive to our hometown. I am hoping for an extremely relaxing week away, and I am trying not to focus on all the projects we will be leaving here at home. I am trying to redirect my attention on all the wonderful people we will get to see instead!!! Like I said, these next few weeks will be packed for us--- theoretically and literally!!!
I hope this blog makes sense and is legible. My kids have been whining, fighting, screaming and shouting pretty much since they woke up from their afternoon naps. But, I love you all so much, that I decided to try and let you know what's going on anyway. :) (Hmmm... maybe that's not love. Maybe it' pure vanity! Ha!) Love, Amber
P.S. When the girls and I walked to get the mail today, Julia said, "I am going to go ahead and walk home, Mom. It is so hot out here. The sun gives me a fever." I couldn't agree more!

1 comment:

  1. Summer has just begun. I am not looking forward to August. AYE!
