Tuesday, February 5, 2013

100 Days!

Julia celebrated 100 days at school today. We had the homework assignment of attaching 100 items to a vest we made out of a brown paper sack. (Some of the vests were very pretty and well planned out. Our vest was not. It was still pretty, but it was obviously done by the hands of a sweet little kindergartner. The stickers, pasta, and beans were attached in no particular order although carefully counted.) The kindergartners then had the pleasure of having a parade. They walked around the halls and gym saying "hooray, hooray today's 100 days!" Dave and I both got to go to the celebration with our little Lyddie and Saigie in tow. It was a lot of fun.
However, it wasn't without the usual craziness of our Stewart bunch. I brought the younger girls with me to the school because Dave had taken Julia to already and planned to meet us there. The girks and I were running late (as usual) and probably looked crazy running in to the school to watch the parade. Saige got to sit in a stinky diaper the whole time we were at the school because she did her business on the way to the school and I didn't have time to change her. I also didn't realize that she was stinky at first, and didn't bring in the stroller because of our lack of time. Holding her and smelling her stink the whole parade was undesirable for Dave and I, but I think we are getting pretty used to inconveniences. All of these little happenings are what keep life exciting, right? Regardless, I hope we are making the kind of memories that last. God willing! -Amber


  1. I don't know if my comment posted earlier or not...

    The girls are SOOO big now!! It's been a while since I saw them, and looks like they are doing well! they are so so cute :)

    Diane (From Siemens)

    1. Hi Diane! I hope that things are going well with you!! We would love to see again soon!
