The tree is filling up with presents (and girls)!
Yeseterday we went to Candy Cane Lane at Houston's First. There was a lot of fun things to do, including petting animals. Some of these animals were in the Christmas Concert that Dave and I attended last week. During the show, Celebration, they actually paraded in a camel, a donkey, a baby elephant, and at the beginning of the show, Santa came riding in from the sky. I can't wait until Julia and Lydia are old enough to go with us. Below is Julia with a baby goat.

There were pony rides at this Church social as well. They're always a big hit!

Both of the girls enjoyed them.

Below is a pic of the camel. It was beginning to be uninterested in the hay that hundreds of kids were attempting to feed it.

Lydia loves to jump and bounce!! She is so cute jumping and falling, falling and jumping.

Julia loves the huge slides.

This pic is of the girls in their new aprons that Granny Ruth sent. We colored them with fabric markers, but it is hard to see here. We will have lots of fun when baking time comes again.

Here are some pics from our most recent baking escapade. Julia really enjoyed it. Poor Lydia only got up to see a few times, but she did get to sprinkle a few of the cookies.

I let Julia frost one or two cookies. She is always very generous with her frosting.

Here is a beginning pic.

Here is Julia and I stamping cookies. I was too lazy to change out of my Sunday dress clothes, but a little flour will wash out just fine.

I'm sure that, due to our current situation, this Christmas will be one of the most memorable ones for me. I hope that we all four look back on this Christmas as a year that we got to spend a lot of time together and talk a lot about the birth of Christ. Maybe next year we will get to go to some Christmas parties and travel to see relatives, but this year, we are focusing on each other and Christ. I am choosing to be thankful instead of whiny, and learning a lot in the process. Merry Christmas!
There were pony rides at this Church social as well. They're always a big hit!
Both of the girls enjoyed them.
Below is a pic of the camel. It was beginning to be uninterested in the hay that hundreds of kids were attempting to feed it.
Lydia loves to jump and bounce!! She is so cute jumping and falling, falling and jumping.
Julia loves the huge slides.
This pic is of the girls in their new aprons that Granny Ruth sent. We colored them with fabric markers, but it is hard to see here. We will have lots of fun when baking time comes again.
Here are some pics from our most recent baking escapade. Julia really enjoyed it. Poor Lydia only got up to see a few times, but she did get to sprinkle a few of the cookies.
I let Julia frost one or two cookies. She is always very generous with her frosting.
Here is a beginning pic.
Here is Julia and I stamping cookies. I was too lazy to change out of my Sunday dress clothes, but a little flour will wash out just fine.
I'm sure that, due to our current situation, this Christmas will be one of the most memorable ones for me. I hope that we all four look back on this Christmas as a year that we got to spend a lot of time together and talk a lot about the birth of Christ. Maybe next year we will get to go to some Christmas parties and travel to see relatives, but this year, we are focusing on each other and Christ. I am choosing to be thankful instead of whiny, and learning a lot in the process. Merry Christmas!
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