Julia and I baked her birthday cake together. She loves to bake. 

On Julia's Birthday, it actually snowed in Houston! You can't see it in this picture, but I was having camera issues when I took it. 
Then, after all the fun we'd already had, we went to Chuck E. Cheeses to celebrate. It was crazy having just the four of us there, I am glad we decided to wait for another year to have a party there with a lot of kids running around. That would have been mayhem.

Julia got this little Dora outfit from Granny Ruth for her birthday. We put it on right after she opened it.

This is the stick horse that Dave and I got her.

Here is Julia in her little princess outfit again.
The girls had a lot of fun on all the rides.
Then, after all the fun we'd already had, we went to Chuck E. Cheeses to celebrate. It was crazy having just the four of us there, I am glad we decided to wait for another year to have a party there with a lot of kids running around. That would have been mayhem.
Julia got this little Dora outfit from Granny Ruth for her birthday. We put it on right after she opened it.
This is the stick horse that Dave and I got her.
Here is Julia in her little princess outfit again.
The girls had a lot of fun on all the rides.
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