Here is a picture of our princess before her party:
Here she is with her Cinderella dress on:

Below is a picture of a cute and very pouty Snow White:
I tried to tell her it's not her party, and she can't cry...even if she wants to....but she didn't listen.
Princess party cake:
I love the picture below. On the right, we have our neighbor girl, in the middle Julia, and on the left, we have Lydia. It's looks like she's saying, "Whatch'u looking at, fool?"
The next day, we decided it would be best to go ahead and rip into the presents that Grandma Christie and Grandpa Dan sent for us and the girls.
Cute pink coat!!!
Here is Julia showing off one of the adorable outfits her grandparents sent. She actually really loved all the clothes despite her unhappy look in this photo.Thanks Grandma Christie and Grandpa Dan!!! We all loved our presents!! Merry Christmas to you!
Happy Baby Josiah!
Julia got to hold Josiah a lot while he was here. Julia loved it....Josiah, not so much.
Lydia also got some time with her little cousin.
Another cute cousin shot.
Dave and Josiah
I like this pic of me and my sis. We don't think to take a lot of them, so I am glad to have this one. (I'm glad Josiah was there too.)
Bye Aubrey and Josiah, we miss you! We also miss Mimi and Papa, Uncle Andy and Uncle Alex!!! Come back and visit soon!
For Christmas, we get to have more family in town. We look forward to seeing Dave's mom and step-dad, and Dave's brother, Daniel, and our sister-in-law, Xiaolan. We'll have one more Christmas get-together in January in Norman, Ok before the season is totally wrapped up for us. Have I ever mentioned on this blog that I love the holidays?
Before I sign off, I'll add a few Julia-isms and a Lydia-ism.
Julia to Aubrey: So, you got to pick out your baby at the hospital? Josiah was the baby you picked?
Lydia: Dear God, thank you for Santa Claus coming to town.
Me: Julia, when we stop at the gas station, I'll buy you milk or juice-one or the other.
Julia: Mom, I want one, but not the other.
Aren't they the cutest? Thanks for reading! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!!!! -Amber
Only sad thing is no trips to Pollock LA. Hope that will be on the books. Maybe Easter we are planning easter egg hunts, choirs and the like. God rest ye merry gentlemen! love you all