AAAHH! How did this happen? My oldest baby girl is turning four
tomorrow!! Stop the clock. Say it ain't so. REWIND!

It's not that I don't want Julia to grow up. It's just that I don't want it to happen so quickly!!!! I just need like a year and a half longer to get used to her being 3. Then we can move on to her being four. --Then we can start thinking about how she's going to go to school someday. --Then we can start the transition from babyhood to childhood. I know Julia hasn't really been a baby for about 3 years now, but she still has that sweet little baby face with the chubbyish cheeks. I don't want that to go away. I don't want her to grow so fast!!
Dear Julia,
You'll always be my baby.
Love, Mom.
Too bad being four (4)only last a year. Thats how I became 51 so fast and you well you know how old you are. Love you sweety. MOM