Good Grief! I am so behind. Life has been whizzing by me like a fly on a horse's tail. I just can't keep up! Since I promised in my last post to share some pics from Stewart Christmas, I will go ahead a share a few, but....goodness knows I needed to post them about a week ago.
Cousin Terri, Fairy Princess Julia and the puppy dog. |
Dog: loved by Julia, feared by Lydia.
Julia was a little confused by how we were related to everyone, so we started just calling almost everyone cousin ______. She's used to referring to adults as Miss ________ or Mr._______. But, it felt a little too formal to call family members Miss or Mr. so, we stuck with Cousin (unless they were an Aunt or Uncle.) It worked.
Fairy Princess Julia and Pink Powder Puff Lydia. (Don't ask me what Dave is doing in the background.) |
Sweet Cousin Anna Carmen, Cousin Lydia and Cousin Julia all still in their pj's. I love these girls.
Everytime we see A.C., I want to bring her home with us. She's such a sweet little helper.
Cousin Tracy and Lyddie Lou |
Cousin Terri, Cousin Tracy and Aunt Diane |
Kendi, Zuri Beth, Anna Carmen, Sarah and Callen |
Anna Carmen was a total dear....always up for pushing my little ones on the swing set. I love her. |
Cousin Terri, Cousin Andy and the back of Julia's head. |
Terri and Andy were gracious enough to host us, and very kind in providing yummy breakfasts, comfortable beds and ice cream after the girls went to bed. It felt like home. :) I think Andy looks like Glenn Beck, but don't tell him that. He's not a fan.
Stewart Christmas was great. I'm glad we don't have to wait as long to go back this year. We will get to see everyone again after Thanksgiving in Branson. How fun! -Amber
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