Friday, January 14, 2011

Stewart Weekly/De-lurking Day

Some of our Household Happenings:

Lydia gave up her pacifier this week. It's not entirely un-missed, but it's been almost a week. Yay!

Lydia told Julia that she is "her favorite Julia" after school the other day.

Julia amazes me with her ability to retain information. She can "read" Bible stories to us now.

Julia woke up this morning, and I said, "Good morning, Julia." She said, "Can I go to dance class?"

Dave and I are still tired from going out of town for our last Christmas last weekend. (A post about Stewart Christmas is coming soon.)

Our Christmas decorations are down, but not boxed. --And I am already tempted to buy in the Valentine's Day aisle. In fact, I've already purchased valentines day cards for J and L...pathetic.

We had mini bagels with cream cheese this morning, and Lydia was wanting more information about what cream cheese really is. While Dave was explaining it to Lydia, Julia said, "Mmmm, I love cream cheese. I also like goat cheese and lamb cheese." The girl has never met a cheese she didn't love.

I want an iPhone. But our T-Mobile contract doesn't expire until August. My birthday is in August. I've known what I was getting myself for awhile now.

FYI, it's de-lurking day in the blogosphere. If you don't know what that is, please click here! I run stats, so I know there aren't a ton of people reading my blog, but I would appreciate it if you let me know you're out there--especially if you never have commented  before. (I write for family and friends to read, and for a sort of digital scrapbook, so it's not a big deal that my blog hasn't become as popular as the pioneer woman's...but I'd love to here you all any way.)

I love ya'll! -Amber


  1. Hey Amber! I hope you guys have a great weekend and hopefully we'll see you on Sunday in the Parking Garage for Awesome Families.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. HI Amber! I love keeping up with your family through the blog. WAY better than Facebook - in my opinion. I'm interested in hearing more about the job. : )

  4. I love keeping up with the Good Stewarts!

  5. oh how i love your blog and your family!

  6. So I'm a little behind on my blog reading but I love your updates! Your girls are precious and I can't believe how big they are getting - I saw Lydia on the playground at church last week and thought it was Julia - oops!
