Thursday, August 23, 2012


Well, tomorrow is the day. It is the day that I kiss my 20's goodbye forever, and start my (gulp) 30's. Woah. I'll be 30. It's a little bittersweet, as I'm sure all of you know. But instead of focusing on the bitter, I'll try and focus on the sweet.
So, here goes nothing:

Maybe in my 30's, I'll...

...stop looking like a teenager, and start getting mistaken for a twenty-something, more confident in who I am in Christ, and less ashamed of so many things about me, a 10K, and then, hopefully, a half marathon. (Goal: I want to run a half marathon in Disney World someday.)
...Be an excellent realtor,
...make enough money to afford to take my family on several fabulous vacations,
...get out of school debt,
...dream bigger dreams and think bigger thoughts, a more patient momma and wife,
...get on the Agent Leadership Council for Keller Williams Realty,
...go out on a few limbs to make a friend, or be a friend,
...spend more time with the Lord,
...have another daughter or a son,
...get my hair and nails done on a regular basis,
...surprise others with thoughtful gifts,
...learn to be more content,
...memorize more scripture,
...get up the courage to try sushimi, more generous, more books,
...remember to listen to my daughters as I watch them grow,
...go on a vacation with my husband, and without little's,
...fall more in love with my husband, a better daughter, grand daughter, sister, and in-law,
...look more like a "Proverbs 31" woman than ever, Disney Orlando,
...take unimportant things less seriously, a lovely house that my family and I can live in for more than 2 years...

Wouldn't it be nice if I could do those things?

Some things I know will happen in my 30's:

-Julia and Lydia will become teenagers.
-I will change and grow a ton- just like I did in my 20's.
-God will surprise me and love me, just like He always has.
-Dave and I will continue to be learners.
-Julia and Lydia will finish elementary school and move on to Junior high. Saige will be finished with elementary as well.
-I'll keep writing my blog.
-My husband will turn 40.
-My parents will begin their 60's.
-I'll keep the goal that my girls know their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins even though we live far away from most of them.
-I'll enjoy as many moments in the next 10 years as I possibly can.

So, here's to 30 years lived, and many, many more to come. Happy Birthday to me.
Love, Amber