Hello again! How are you all of you? I haven't been posting much lately because I haven't been feeling super awesome. I think I am struggling with allergies because whatever I have keeps coming and going through the day. (And, since someone will wonder or ask...I'm 99% sure I'm not expecting. Only God knows for absolute sure....)
But, despite that, I have been doing some re-purposing that I have been wanting to share with you all for a while now.
Right before our last trip, I had a sweet group of friends over to my house. The same day our guests came was the same day that I finished painting the doors I mentioned in a blog post a few weeks ago. (To see that post, click
here.) When I first started these doors, I still felt there was a good possibility we would be doing school at home this year. And even though that isn't the plan any longer, I still decided to go ahead and set the doors up like this:
Right Side Door |
The doors are in front of two little desks that I thought the girls might use for school. I thought it would work well to put the doors there because they are magnetic, and the girls can put artwork or school work on the doors. Right now, the doors are pretty bare, but I'm sure we'll have some good stuff on there soon.
Left Side Door |
I think the doors will also help fill in the empty wall space we have on either side of the T.V.
View of Our Downstairs Living Area |
I think the doors look pretty good there, and will look better with some fun additions. Now we're another step closer to getting settled. Yay!
Also, I mentioned "our last trip" in an above paragraph. On that trip, we planned that on the way back, we would use our time wisely and go see a wonderful National Monument. It was hardly out of the way, and it was a great learning experience for our girls. I loved it too, as I'd never seen it! Dave loved telling the girls about when he got to see it with his family as a kid. Here are few pictures from that adventure:
Devil's Tower and 3 Little Stinkers |
Always Posing! |
Saige looks half asleep in both of the above shots...
Climbing Rocks with Dad |
Saige wasn't very happy when her Daddy made her hold his hand on the big rocks. But, after watching Saige slip multiple times and almost have some pretty horrible wipe-outs, I was so thankful Dave made her hold on!
Did you know that Devil's Tower is located in WY near the towns of Hulett and Sundance? Did you know that there is neat place to camp at the base of the monument with shops, a pool and a playground? Did you know that Devil's Tower is 5112' above sea level? I didn't either....until I went there.
From a Distance... |
Devil's Tower is a really, really neat place to visit. On the way to the tower, I started thinking maybe it was a bit silly to go out of our way to see a huge rock, but once we got closer, I knew that deciding to go would be very rewarding. We hope to go again on another trip to or from the Denver area!
Thanks for reading!! Love, Amber
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