Thursday, September 18, 2014

Pumpkin Day and Chia Seeds

I made pumpkin muffins yesterday! They were delicious with dinner and a delicious breakfast this morning. If you'd like the recipe, you can get it by going to an earlier post of mine here.

Do you ever have days where your energy stream seems to keep up with at least part of your to-do list? Those days are awesome (and exhausting)! and I had one of those days yesterday. Yesterday I did a list of home chores, decorated my home for fall, hung some pictures, finished my homemade applesauce, ran errands, cleaned, cleaned, cleaned and made pumpkin muffins!! (And now, my house is almost as messy as it was before I started cleaning yesterday. Ha.)

Yummy Batter! (Can't resist it.)

They're Delicious!!
(Here's the weird, re-purposing tip for the day.) And what do I attribute all this energy to yesterday? Chia seeds! (Thanks Aubrey for getting me started on this!) I started drinking them in the morning! I get up, put a half a teaspoon of them in some water and drink it down. And it really has given me energy! Coffee certainly doesn't keep me feeling like the energizer bunny. I love the taste, but....

(See the blue muffin tin? Those are mine. They have chia seeds in them. If I would have thought of it sooner, I would have thrown seeds in the whole batch. Good and good for you! Shhhh. Don't tell my kids.)

Today, I was productive in other ways. I finished putting out some fall decorations, jogged for 30 minutes, took care of kiddos....this list doesn't sound as impressive, but at least I did it all with a boost of energy from drinking my morning seeds! Who'da thunk?

Thanks for coming by today! I hope you have had a pumpkiny day! -Amber


  1. I found them at wal-mart in the baking department. In Houston I bought them at a wonderful grocery store called Trader Joe's.
