So, I haven't had the opportunity to write about my garden lately. It's still doing well! I actually made some really yummy salsa this weekend from ingredients I got from my garden and bountiful baskets. I got to share the goodness with my neighbors. (My sharing made Dave a little sad. And we are already almost out of salsa.) Fresh tomatoes, jalapenos, cilantro, onion, garlic, a bit of sugar, salt, pepper, a bit of cumin and chili powder: YUM! (Don't worry about Dave, I will make him some more.)
Nonetheless, the thing in my garden that has me a tad stumped would be my brussel sprouts. Have you ever seen those things grow? It's actually pretty neat. I don't know, though, if I'm supposed to cut the whole plant off at the roots, or just pick one brussel sprout at a time. (I have 8 total brussel plants.) I know I've seen them in the grocery store, sold all attached to each other. But I don't know if that's the correct way to harvest them. (I have to figure this out soon because we may have our first freeze this week. High of 81 degrees F today. High of 51 degrees F tomorrow.)
The Brussel's Underbelly |
The Top |
Please don't mind the weeds in the background of the above picture. They love my garden. Also, something has been eating the leaves of my brussel plants, but thankfully not the veggie. I don't think the actual leaves matter that much.
Lookin' Good |
These little morsels are gonna taste delish sauteed with some olive oil, bacon and apples. Deliciously fall goodness.....
Looking Down From the Top |
And just because,
Saigie Swinging Amongst Our Yard of Weeds |
Dave just finished half of our sprinkler system this weekend, and it is now too late in the season to seed our grass. So it looks like next spring will be our first opportunity. Saige and my other two girls don't seem to mind a bit. :)
Happy (soon to be) Fall Y'all! -Amber
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