Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Year Ago

Last year around this time, I wrote a blog about Daylight Savings Time. I had a lot more angst (not teenage) and aggression about my situation in life at that time. I am so thankful for how things can change in a year. Although things aren't perfect, they are great. I love my family, our church, my job, and our home. Thank God that His mercies are new every morning. I praise Him that a lot can change in a year.

But, if you want to know the truth, I still hate daylight savings time. It screws up my life, and I hate that. I think most mother's of preschoolers feel the same way as I do. (At least, that's what I overheard in the bathroom at church on Sunday. I have no real proof...just hearsay.) Most moms in my situation have a little one who does anything but sleep extra during this time of year. For example, Lydia wakes up with the sun, and enjoys the act of promptly waking her sister up to tell her "good morning". (Disclaimer: this doesn't always happen. Sometimes Julia wakes up with the sun, and enjoys the act of promptly waking her sister up to tell her "good morning".) This little tradition can cause turmoil for our family. Like it did this morning. --Since Lydia was sleep deprived, she got over tired today at "school". (Plus she smacked her face on our backyard slide last night, and her big fat lip was probably soar. I hate it when she does that. It makes me cry and ache all over. Lydia is always making herself susceptible to fat lips, bruised cheeks and black eyes. She is fearless.) Lydia's teacher/daycare provider/babysitter called me this morning and told me she thought Lydia was sick, and that I needed to come get her. I picked Lydia up, and took her home to lay her down. She didn't want to stay in bed at first, but a promise of medicine and lunch kept my littlest quiet til I got back. When I did get back to administer her Tylenol, the poor little sweet heart was already mostly asleep. After Tylenol, Lydia slept for about two and a half hours. She woke up hungry, but pretty perky. All she needed was a snack, and then all was right with her world again. I'm glad she wasn't really sick....just in need of a good nap. (Dearest Lydia, I really wouldn't mind if you decided to sleep-in tomorrow morning; despite the 6:30 sunrise.)

But, speaking of sleep, I better start heading that direction myself. (I don't really have a lot of hope that either of my girls will be sleeping in too late.) I hope all of you are doing well, and enjoying your sun-shiny mornings and cool, dark evenings! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love ya, Amber

1 comment:

  1. I love Daylight Savings Time now, but I'm sure next year I'll be in the same boat as you!
