Friday, May 23, 2014

School Days: First to Last

Fall 2013
Lydia's first day of Kinder and Julia's first day of First Grade

Spring 2014

Lydia's Last day of Kindergarten and Julia's last day of 1st. Will they ever stop growing? 

First Day of School for 2013-2014

 My Lydia 

My Julia

I really can't believe how much my sweetie pies have changed and grown up this past school year. I keep telling them to slow down, and take their time in getting so huge. But they aren't listening. 

I think I will cry myself to sleep now. Nighty-night.


  1. I know it's so fast. Good thing there are grand kids to look forward to, LOL, at the speed this is going by it will be like, next week!!!
