Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, I have a lot of pics to share, but these are definitely not representative of everything we did or everyone we celebrated Thanksgiving with. We had a GREAT time in Bartlesville, and only wished it could have lasted longer. Staying in Houston for Christmas will definitely be bittersweet.
Here are the girls in their turkey shirts I made for them. I stole the idea from a friend at church, Sarah Craig. I have some pics of the shirts without the girls in them, but they aren't accessible right now. Anywho, it was fun to dress them in something so festive. Julia got a bike from her Aunt Aubrey and Uncle Andy over Thanksgiving break. Her birthday is this Friday, so she got some gifts a little early. She loves it!

This was Thanksgiving day at my parents.

We helped my Mom put up her Christmas tree on Thanksgiving day as well. It was a lot of fun and somewhat therapeutic for me because I will not really be able to put up many decorations around our house this year. It was really cute that both of the girls were involved in hanging ornaments and hanging lights. They really enjoyed it.

The girls also got one early Christmas gift. They are both pros at opening gifts now.

This was the finished Christmas tree product:

We also went to Woolaroc the day after Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun and so much better than the Galveston's Festival of Lights. In comparison, there was tons to do and see. Julia loves buffalo, and they were very close to us. (We were in the car still.)

Julia loves this playground.

Lydia loved the animals!! She stared at all of them, and was only willing to move on when she saw there was more see.

Here's the Woolaroc Santa Claus. When I posted pics of Julia with this Santa on facebook last year, my friend Lela said "this was the scariest looking Santa" she had ever seen. Lydia obviosly agrees with her. Julia loves Santa, but Lydia was only gung ho about him until she was actually in his lap. They both enjoyed the candy canes though.

There were also a lot of characters at Woolaroc this year. Here is Julia with the gingerbread cookie people. She loved all the characters and hugged several of them more than once.
And, here is Lydia's reaction. She was in my mom's arms, and seemed happy to go, but not so happy once she was there. Poor kid, all this fun is so torturous.
Here's one last pic of my parents with the girls after the hay ride. We were in the Frank Phillips lodge in this picture.
Well, like I said, we had a lot of fun with family and friends over the last week. I know that I have some pics of some celebrating at Ruth's house, but they are on our external hard drive, so hopefully I will get to post some of them soon. Happy belated Thanksgiving to all and Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! Makes me wish I lived close to Woolaroc....oh yeah, I do!! We are going to have to take the fam there this Christmas time! You certainly made it look fun.

    And I LOVED the shirts. Is that the Family Fun idea? I would be interested in seeing some up close shots if you get a chance to post them.
