Sunday, May 9, 2010

Old to New

I like to refinish furniture. I like the idea of bringing something back whether it's to save money by buying used furniture, or because that piece of furniture has special meaning. Anyway, a few years ago, I got a vanity from my aunt . It was one of two that my mom and her sisters shared as they were growing up. My uncle had painted it, but then he, or someone else, had decided to strip it. I finally got around to sanding, and painting this little beauty. The finished product isn't perfect; I still have to reattach hardware to the inside that allows the top to open up for storage. I also need to reinstall the small mirror that goes inside. Hopefully I'll get to it sooner rather than later. But for now, here's some pics.



The new paint job isn't perfect because the old paint wouldn't entirely sand off in some areas (even though I used an electric sander), and there are a few nicks here and there in the wood. But, all of that just adds character, right? For the most part, I like the way it turned out.

As a side note, I had a low-key, very nice Mother's day. Dave and the girls were sweet enough to make breakfast this morning and present me with sweet Mother's day cards. After breakfast, we rushed to church, and then came back home and lounged around. Later on, we walked to our neighborhood pool and went swimming this afternoon. It was a little cooler than usual, and the water was freezing at first, but we got used to it after awhile. Lydia was not having any of it, though. She sat and watched the rest of us from a nearby chair. I'm sure she'll love it when things heat up a little more around here. Then, on the way home, Lydia started calling Dave and me both, "honey". I loved it when Julia did that, and I love it now that Lydia is doing it.

Oh, and one more side note, a few weeks ago, the four of us were traveling together in the van, and Dave and I were talking to Julia about discipline. We were discussing that Dave and I were Lydia's disciplinarians, not Julia. So I asked Julia, "What do Mommy and Daddy do when Lydia is in trouble, Julia?" Julia's answer: "Laugh?" I guess we've gone wrong somewhere. :)

I just love my family!! Thanks for reading my blog!! I love all of you too! -Amber

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